Friday, July 21, 2006

Random thoughts today

I got my first whiff of it today, the dreaded cattle smell. There's a storm blowing in from the desert I think and it brought lots of wind....and with that, the fragrant agricultural smell of the cattle from nearby ranches.

I was shopping at Costco, today, I just love it! I love going there (especially without kids) and browsing the aisles. I just have to say that it shows the ultimate in laziness...I mean, American convenience...when I see the 'Uncrustables' in the freezer section. They are frozen PB&J sandwiches without the crust, they look like little pies with crimped edges. I mean, how long does it take to slap on some peanut butter and jelly onto 2 slices of doesn't even take long to cut the crusts off if you want.

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