Thursday, May 18, 2006

A conversation with my mother...

mother: I'm worried about Olivia.
me: Oh??
mother: Yes, you said she had brain stem damage.
me: (incredulous) What??????
mother: You told me she had brain stem damage and that's why she had to wear that helmet.
me: (laughing) Uh, no, I didn't... and she wore the 'helmet' to mold her skull due to plagiocephaly.
mother: Oh...

Yes, this conversation actually took place. I haven't really posted alot about my 'eccentric' family...I guess you would say those are the skeletons in my closet.

Just to give you a little background. When Olivia was just a few weeks old, I noticed she always looked to one side and at about a month or so old, I noticed there was some unevenness in her face. She was diagnosed with Plagiocephaly (flattening of the head) and torticollis (tightening of the neck muscle). After getting referrals and seeing specialists, she was finally fitted for a STARband at 9 months. She wore it 23 hours a day for 4 months. It had nothing to do with her brain, her mental abilities, nor her intelligence, it was simply to mold her head so it wasn't lopsided. One of the benefits is that when she was learning to walk and fell on our tile floor, she would bounce right back up!


ramblingmuse said...

I don't know whether to laugh at the conversation or to scratch my head. LOL!

4texans said...

I know, I usually try to take a humorous approach to stories about my can make for some pretty damn funny stories!

catankgirl said...

Oh my! Well, at least she was concerned and should be pleasantly relieved now, if not embarressed from being WAY off! She did remember the helmet...

nowwhatelmo said...

Don't you love it when they do that? LMAO!