Monday, May 08, 2006

12 houses and 2 crying, tired kids later...

We've narrowed it down to 3 after an exhausting day of touring house after house. They all kind of blend in, but this time we took pictures. We also try to name the houses so we can remember them. We have it narrowed down to the 'Texas house', the 'Wine house' and the 'Green carpet (reminiscent of green pool tables) house'.

We will go re-visit these tomorrow. They were all nice, with good kitchens, great backyards with pools. Only with the 'Green carpet house' will we have to change the flooring...obviously. Why would anyone choose green carpet?

(on another note, Claire is not a good traveler...she cried and screamed almost the entire 4 hours driving down while Olivia quietly slept) bleh


catankgirl said...

12 houses??? Ug. Just the thought is depressing. I bet you're glad that day is over. I hope whatever one you pick you get right away!

Highlandgal said...

What is with people who don't prep a house to sell? Green carpet? If they'd replace the carpet they could have sold yesterday. People should listen to their realtors.

Anonymous said...

I sold a house with green carpet, but I gave a carpet allowance. Good luck on finding the perfect home!

4texans said...

The green carpet house has been on the market for over 80 days and have come down on the price at least doubt due to the green carpet. We would have to replace/update ALL the flooring as the bathrooms have vinyl, too. We would have to have a couple of rooms painted, too, the master room has is like a pale blue-green with cheesy columns. Can't do anything about the columns, though. I guess we are leaning towards the 'Texas' house except I'm concerned about the schools...don't know which one would be better.