Tuesday, April 04, 2006


The rain continues, there seems to be no end in sight :(.


allison said...

We're getting it down here too. I am so ready for it to go away!

4texans said...

Well, at least you don't get as much as we do. I'm so looking forward to moving down south where we won't get all this rain! Please, sunshine, come out...come out...wherever you are!!

ramblingmuse said...

Yeah, I'm feeling it too. A bit tired of the rain. I don't think we had so much this time last year.


BTW, your blog was down for a bit, so I couldn't post.

Trying to catch up on it all...

- Hope you're recovered from the sinus-cold-headache thingy. Being sick is never fun.

- Yay for your hubby and the job! What was the city? I don't think you confirmed it? Or did I miss that?

- Your girls are cute as always! Olivia will be potty trained in no time! She's smart like that! LOL!!


4texans said...

RM-We are moving to Bakersfield.