Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Claire's cute saying

Lately Claire points and asks about everything...'what's that?' 'what's this, momma?'. She has also starting asking it this way: 'what's that thang?' It's so cute, it sounds like she has a Texas twang in spite of being a native Californian!


Nat said...

Thanks for stopping by:)

My first encounter with English was watching the "Dallas" series, and I picked up a lovely texan accent. then our english teacher, born and raised in tennese, killed the accent in me:)

Good luck with buying the minivan. When I was reading it, I was imagine an actual minivan, well, the types we call minivans, a.k.a a van that looks a bit smaller. But I saw the ones you talk about and I am totally in love with the hoonda.:)

Erin said...

Awww... what a cutie!