Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Oh..the horror of it all!

Olivia broke down in real tears this morning because her cereal bar broke in half and I couldn't fix it. Sheesh, sometimes she is real particular. First I took the bar completely out of the wrapper and she started to have a fit because she wanted it still in the wrapper. So I put it back in the wrapper. Then it broke and she started bawling, tears pouring down her face, her eyes turning red. She eventually calmed down when I told her she could eat it the way it is or I could eat it.


catankgirl said...

Oh goodness. I remember that phase with Olivia. Don't worry, it passes. Now Olivia only cries over real stuff! lol

Anonymous said...

Oh my, how tragic! :)

ramblingmuse said...

Reading that is funny, but I'm sure it was a different story while it happened!

My niece is going through that phase, too. I do the same thing. If they won't eat it as is, someone else will gladly do the honors. Funny how that usually stops the tantrum, huh? :-)

nowwhatelmo said...

Wow. I LOVE your comment though.

Erin said...

LOL. That sounds like a reasonable fix to the problem!