Sunday, February 22, 2009

Mardi Gras

It's that time of year when Mardi Gras is celebrated in New Orleans and 'Fat Tuesday', the time before Lent starts in the Christian calendar all over the world. Basically we go all out and indulge ourselves before we have to give up things for Lent (some Christians follow this, others don't). We had a Mardi Gras shin dig at our house Saturday with friends from hubby's work. It was potluck except I made red beans and 2 different King cakes, so it was a little easier than completely hosting the event. Luckily I found bunches of beads and decorations when I was in New Orleans last July, it definitely made the evening more festive. It was a really great time to catch up with people and for the girls to play with an old friend and a new one. I wish I had taken a picture of the cakes, they really turned out. I was worried since I never made a King cake before.

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