Saturday, June 02, 2007

I have a confession

I am the mother of a biter...yes, it's true.

We've been having problems with Claire biting out of anger and frustration, usually directed towards Olivia.

Well, yesterday, it happened, I was horrified. We were at the park for my moms group's Spring Fling enjoying fun and good food. Then I looked over to check on the girls and I see a mom following Claire looking for her mom (that would be me). This mom saw an older boy being rough with Claire and saw Claire bite him on the arm. I was horrified as she has never bitten anyone outside of our house.

I scolded her telling her that she cannot bite and she started bawling. I carried her over to the boy and his mom and I apologized. I explained that I heard they were being rough and she bit him and that it was something we were working on. She was completely understanding of the whole incident and even confided in me that her son, in fact, used to be a biter.

I further tried to remind Claire that she needed to use her words and tell someone 'no, I don't like that' and come find me.

1 comment:

ramblingmuse said...

Yikes. I can understand the horrified feeling. No one likes to know that their kid hurt another kid. At least you gave her the message that it won't be tolerated. I wouldn't worry about it. It's just a phase and she'll grow out of it.