Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Bye Bye glasses!

I finally did it! I finally had laser vision correction surgery yesterday. It is amazing to be able to see without glasses.
I was really nervous about the actual surgery and recovery. I was to have Lasik in my left eye and PRK in my right eye. This was the safest option for the shapes of my eyes. The PRK is more painful and the recovery is longer, but it is so worth it.
Thank God for valium, though. They gave me a valium to take a half hour before my appointment and when it was time to get on the operating table, I didn't care that they were going to cut my eye and laser on my eye.
Anyway, I just wanted to share the excitement I am feeling of being able to wake up and see!


ramblingmuse said...

Oh wow!! That's great! Keep posting about it, 'k? I've been thinking about it lately too. Do you mind if I ask who your doctor was?

Andrea said...

I'm going on 1 year since my surgery and I'm thankful every day.

Here's to a smooth recovery!

4texans said...

RM-why don't you email me from my blog and I can email you the details. I would rather not have the details, dr info on a public blog. I had 4 opinions in CA.

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you!

Nat said...

Congratulations!!! I hope you recover fast and yay on not needign the glasses!

Highlandgal said...

Yay, valium!

Geekette said...

Im seriously considering corrective surgery one day, my eyes are so bad. And glasses are so expensive. I'm glad you dont need them anymore :) I bet its really nice.